Adoption of Rosemère’s Age- and Family-Friendly (MADA – Familles) Policy
Building the Future Together
The Town of Rosemère adopted its new age- and family-friendly (MADA – Familles) policy at a special meeting of Town Council held outdoors at Charbonneau Park on August 19. A stand set up that day, as part of the Citizens’ Day festivities, allowed the public to learn more about the policy and its priority areas.
The purpose of the MADA – Familles policy is to create a positive environment where seniors and families can thrive and to promote inclusion, social cohesion and a better life for everyone in the community. Rosemère first became an accredited Child-Friendly Municipality in 2019. Given our constantly changing world, where families are faced with many daunting challenges, the scope of the 2023–2027 policy was expanded to include a family focus, thus underscoring the Town’s commitment to putting the conditions in place for every family to flourish and prosper.
“The MADA – Familles policy is the culmination of over 28 months of work,” said Mayor Eric Westram. “It outlines our steadfast commitment to our seniors, our families and our children, all of whom make Rosemère such a vibrant and welcoming place to live. I would like to thank all those who contributed to the development of this policy, especially the members of the steering committee. Together, we can build a community that is more dynamic, more inclusive and more engaged for our seniors and our families.”
Comprising 151 actions to be carried out over the next five years, the MADA – Familles policy is an ambitious undertaking that will go a long way in ensuring that the town continues to thrive.
What the policy entails
The MADA – Familles policy is designed to strengthen the family fabric the sustains the Rosemère community. Starting in May 2021, the MADA – Familles Policy Steering Committee, made up of residents, community stakeholders, elected officials and specialists, worked closely with various municipal departments and Town Council to determine the priorities and objectives for the new action plan. The purpose of the MADA – Familles policy is to foster inclusion, well-being, equity and community engagement for all families, regardless of their particular composition, heritage or socioeconomic status. Through a series of tangible measures, including user-friendly infrastructure, specific support services and multifaceted activity programs, the policy aims to meet the diverse needs of each and every family in Rosemère.
The 2023–2027 MADA – Familles Policy can be viewed online at