Régie intermunicipale d'assainissement des eaux de Lorraine et de Rosemère

You can consult the Contractual Management By-Law - Régie intermunicipale d'assainissement des eaux de Rosemère et de Lorraine in the downloads section on the left-hand side of this page.

The financial report for the year ended December 31, 2021 of the Régie intermunicipale d'assainissement des eaux de Rosemère et de Lorraine is also available in the downloads section on the left-hand side of this page.

Information on calls for tenders and contracts awarded by the Town of Rosemère with a value of more than $25,000 is published in the Québec government’s electronic call for tenders system.

What’s happening

  • Harvest Day
  • Safe use of electrical scooters
  • Strategic plan
  • Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation
  • Roadwork-Info