Municipal contracts: Rosemère adopts a Policy on the evaluation of contractors and suppliers
During the course of a regular meeting held on Monday, May 12, the Town of Rosemère’s Municipal Council took an important step in the management of municipal contract by adopting its very first Policy on the Performance Evaluation of Contractors and Suppliers.
This policy seeks to improve the process for the selection of contractors while ensuring transparency, fairness and free competition in the awarding of municipal contracts. It also gives the Town the right to refuse any bid from a company whose performance, over the two years prior to its proposal, has been deemed unsatisfactory. The ultimate goal, therefore, is to improve both the quality of the services received and the management of public funds.
Applicable to contractors
and suppliers whose products or services involve expenditures exceeding
$25,000, the new policy is divided into three sections:
- Objectives, definitions and fields of application
- Application of the evaluation
- Criteria used in the production of a performance evaluation.
This is a fine example to follow, and can be consulted on the Town’s website at, under "My Town”, then "Policies and By-Laws”.
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Town of Rosemère
For information:
Michel Girouard
Director of Communications
Tel.: 450 621-3500, ext. 1243